Peter Krauth, Jeff Valks and Jeff Clark are all attending the Toronto conferences, so kindly be patient for responses.
Jenn is available for admin inquiries 7am-3pm pacific
Get a copy of Paydirt, my guidebook for investors and discover the lessons a dozen industry insiders had to learn the hard way.
Register for a free account now to instantly access my complete portfolio and ongoing coverage of the resource markets.
I wish I could offer the book for free, but it took a fair amount of work and capital to put it all together. Many people helped, and they all had to be paid.
We settled on $25 for the digital version. We think it’s worth that and more. We can’t promise you riches, but you can take what you learn in this book and put the odds of finding winning mining stocks greatly in your favor. You’ll know more than 90% of mining investors. The methods are timeless, and can even be applied to other mining stocks beyond gold and silver.
It’s not just a bull market in gold and silver. They’re the natural recipients in the accelerating trend toward a new monetary regime. Global de-dollarization efforts, negative-yielding government bonds, runaway debt levels—these trends and more point to a deteriorating fiat currency system, one that is increasingly vulnerable.
Gold and silver stand directly in the path of profit. And mining stocks—the highest quality mining stocks—offer the potential for life-changing leverage. Welcome to TheGoldAdvisor.
Investment websites can generate revenue one of two ways: charge investors or charge companies. We chose the latter, as this allows us to produce free content for investors. I’m happy to share my knowledge, analysis, and personal holdings, and feel this is the best way to serve the gold and silver community.
You should know, however, that we don’t accept just any sponsor. Companies must pass our criteria or they are not accepted. As such, the following companies are hand-picked and fully vetted, and are part of TheGoldAdvisor portfolio. You can assume that Jeff owns shares in all of them.