Gold Is Sliding…But It’s Still A Bull Market
Just a quick comment today. Gold has been boring to disappointing for several weeks. I predicted as much and think this sideways slide will continue for a time. That’s why I counselled some selling several weeks ago. But even though gold is sideways to down, I know it’s still a metals bull market because I […]
Wake Me In A Week
Inflation? No One Knows & Gold Doesn’t Care
I spend a lot of time thinking about inflation and whether it’s really going to rear up in 2021. I’m torn. Thankfully, the gold argument makes sense no matter what. Real rates and real yields support gold, now and looking ahead. Diversifying against the irrationality of today’s market supports gold. Gold miners making oodles of money and offering some of the strongest balance sheets and dividend yields across equities support it. Inflation would amplify all of these, but it’s not needed.
Mailbox: How Long Should I Hold A Stock?
I started building my mining portfolio late last summer and invest regularly. I selected 20 stocks based on companies you’ve been covering, and thank you for the good exercise and great learning process. My question is around holding period, from the perspective of what stage the company is in when I buy in. How do you think about holding period, and what factors do you take into consideration when you sell?
Mailbox: How Long Should I Hold A Stock?
My question is around holding period, from the perspective of what stage the company is in when I buy in. How do you think about holding period, and what factors do you take into consideration when you sell?
Speculative Excesses Ramp Up At The Top…
These Reddit short squeezes are this bull market’s manifestation of excess: excess liquidity, excess speculation, excess valuation, excess optimism. And these things have downsides…
Managing Risk
Managing risk is a key part of investing in junior mining stocks. And there is reason to manage risk right now.
Real Rates Are Supporting Gold. Nominal Rates…Not So Much
Real yields should matter more than nominal ones…but that’s not always how it plays out.
Such is the case of late: it seems like traders are more interested in nominal yields than real ones. I think that’s because there’s such a debate over inflation expectations.