Peter Krauth, Jeff Valks and Jeff Clark are all attending the Toronto conferences, so kindly be patient for responses.
Jenn is available for admin inquiries 7am-3pm pacific
A trusted expert in a particular field who seeks to pass that knowledge to others. One who understands.
It glistened and raised the eyebrows of anyone who saw it. It was my Dad’s biggest find as a gold prospector. He retired early and moved to California—and was hooked from the very first time he saw a small gold nugget in the bottom of his pan.
It was more of a hobby than a professional endeavor, but he got pretty good at it. He won a few gold panning contests, and was part of a group that guaranteed you’d find gold when they taught you how to use your metal detector—and he always came through.
Such began my interest in gold.
And now after working for multiple newsletters and bullion dealers, I want to do what my Dad did: share my knowledge with the gold community…
Why TheGoldAdvisor is Here I was frustrated. I had so much to share about my favorite mining stocks but had no place to do so. Twitter’s 280-character limit just doesn’t cut it. Conference presentations were better but weren’t a good platform for ongoing stock coverage. I kept getting lots of questions. I knew I could help if I had a landing spot for investors to come to. My desire to “pay forward” all the education and training I had received by so many good analysts before me continued to grow.
I envisioned a portal where investors could… Learn how to evaluate a mining stock… See my mining picks and receive follow-ups on the companies… A place that might help them with their own due diligence… A place to learn about gold. It is this desire, my friends, that forms the basis of our mission statement. In other words, this is about more than just handing out my favorite stock picks. I want to share why I pick the stocks I do. And provide follow-up. To that end, I’ll show you my “starting method” in what I look for in a mining stock. You can take that strategy and apply it to your own stock picking.
I’ll also post comments and updates on company developments. My goal is to make this a place you can land to check on my mining stocks, learn about gold, and get information you probably won’t find in a free portal. I have nearly two decades of experience—and I want to share it with mining investors.
The basics on gold—why you should own it… where I buy my physical gold and silver… who I use for my gold IRA… where I store bullion offshore… the mining newsletters I personally subscribe to (one of which offers TheGoldAdvisor readers a discount). I’ll add more resources as our community grows. My personal mining stock picks, along with my analysis of those companies. While I won’t be right about every single stock pick—no one ever is—a basket approach of the strongest companies limits our risk, while offering immense potential upside. The portfolio of stock picks will grow as opportunities surface—our goal, after all, is to capitalize on any compelling opportunity we see. Company updates, via our newsletter, of each stock in the portfolio, including commentary on worthy news and all major developments. I’ll alert you when I buy a new stock, share videos of my conference presentations, reports from mine site visits, and other info as events warrant. articles—everything I continue to write for them on the gold and silver markets.
We’ll add our own videos in the months ahead. And stay tuned, there’s a big surprise in the first quarter of 2023.
Everything offered on site is free to investors. Most investment websites generate revenue in one of two ways: charge investors (the subscription model), or charge companies (the sponsor model). I chose the latter, as it allows me to produce free content for investors.
I’m happy to share my knowledge, and feel this is the best way for me to serve the gold and silver community at this point in my life. I also wanted a no-cost site because mining stock analysis is different than other equity investments (something most mainstream analysts don’t understand). It involves a learning curve, and it’s easier to help more investors in a free portal.
For those investors that would like more early stage companies, ones with greater risk but greater potential reward, check out the PAYDIRT PROSPECTOR, which uses the book to identify opportunities with explosive potential.
You should know, however, that we don’t accept just any sponsor. Companies must pass our criteria—or they’re not invited. In other words, it’s by invitation only; we’ve already turned down several companies that asked to be part of the portfolio.
Our integrity is not for sale. You can’t buy your way onto TheGoldAdvisor nor TheSilverAdvisor. The sponsors you see on our website are hand-picked and fully vetted before they join TheGoldAdvisor or TheSilverAdvisor portfolios. While we own other mining stocks, these are the ones we feel offer the strongest opportunity for gains.
Your education into this sector will hopefully lead to a fatter brokerage account, as it has mine.
After learning as much as I could about this industry, my personal net worth from 2007 to 2021—largely from mining stocks—grew approximately 11-fold. During both bull and bear markets.nThat’s what I want to help you do.nGold is a must-own asset in today’s world. And the opportunity in front of us with gold and silver equities is both exciting and risky. Speculative while potentially very lucrative. My goal is to help sort through the possibilities.
Our journey has begun—welcome!
Gold generates no income and offers no yield. It is an inert metal. And many gold owners pay to store it.
Why in the world would an investor own such a thing?
There are two good answers to that question: one for long-term ownership, and one for ownership right now.
As famed speculator Doug Casey has long pointed out, there’s nothing magical about gold. Every element eventually finds its best use. Aluminum is best for airplanes. Uranium is best for nuclear power. Paper is best for books.
One trait that makes gold best suited as money is longevity—it lasts forever. Literally. The same gold hauled around by King Tut can be melted and recast into beautiful American Eagle gold coins, with almost zero waste and no loss of luster.
Gold is deeply embedded in our psychology as humans. It’s instinctual—most people readily understand gold’s value when they just hear the word.
When you hold gold in your hand, you are convinced.
Gold also has industrial uses, but you can’t really label it a commodity like, say, pork bellies or wheat.
Gold is a beautiful adornment and has been sought for status and vanity for centuries. But jewelry demand has little impact on its price.
Gold is money, period.
Once an investor understands that concept—sees it as the ultimate store of value and not as a commodity or adornment—the need to own it becomes clear.
One of the most convincing cases on why gold is money comes from Mike Maloney in his Hidden Secrets of Money series.
Once you watch episode one, the lightbulb clicks on for most people. It answers the big picture question of “why gold.”
You’ll notice we have some advertisers on our home page now.
It dawned on us that, although we don’t talk about other services, there are many which we personally use.
We’re not going to write articles on them—we’re mostly about mining stocks, after all—but maybe you’ll find some of them useful, like we do.
So instead, we opted to let them say something valuable on the site that you can choose to follow up on your own.
And just like we pick only companies that we would personally invest in, these are products and services that we ourselves use. We will not invite an advertiser on the site that does not pass our standards for honesty and integrity and that we would not use ourselves.
You can rest assured that a product or service on our site meets our criteria for “best in business.” You are encouraged to do your own due diligence, of course.
We hope you’ll check them out and ultimately find them useful. We do.
-Jeff Clark